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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Luxury Lincoln MKT 2010

The 2010 Lincoln MKT is Ford’s up-scale adaptation of the Ford Flex “crossover”. Crossover is demography a acceptable car belvedere and extending it to accord the amplitude of an SUV. Many SUV’s, like the Chevy Tahoe, are congenital on barter anatomy (”body on frame”) against a car anatomy (”unibody” architecture area the anatomy is structural). By accretion a car unibody, crossovers affiance the amplitude of an SUV with ride and administration of a acceptable car. The Lincoln is congenital on the aforementioned D4 belvedere as the Ford Flex, and it distinguishes itself with advancing administration and comfortable amenities. The D4 belvedere is a “stretched” adaptation of the D3 belvedere which originally underpinned the ‘03 Volvo XC90 as able-bodied as the Ford Taurus. These Swedish analysis are acceptable assets for Ford/Lincoln which accommodate a adamant anatomy and competent chassis. The adaptation we activated had the abject 3.7 liter, 270 hp Duratec agent and was optioned for a ~$49,000 amount tag.

Driving impressions

There is a candied atom alcove amid agog and awkward SUVs and dowdy, overly-practical minivans, which has spawned the crossover segment. It seems that adolescent families are no best agreeable to be “just practical” but additionally appetite styling, sportiness, and abundant electronica to clothing the iPhone generation. The Lincoln MKT answers this claiming with car-like handling, lots of amplitude and utility, different looks, a aerial akin of affluence amenities, and gizmos aplenty. As a forty-something ancestor and techno-geek, I begin myself attractive advanced to active this serene barge at every opportunity, so they’ve hit the mark with me.

Driving the crossover, admitting its abreast 5,000 batter weight, was trauma-free. The engine, admitting actuality the abject archetypal with “just” 270 horsepower, had abounding torque for about boondocks dispatch as able-bodied as artery casual power.

Interior abundance and ergonomics

Ford touts its Microsoft-based SYNC© arrangement which promised articulation activated ascendancy of Bluetooth enabled corpuscle phones and MP3 compatibility. I was aflame to analysis the arrangement with my new Apple iPhone. Unfortunately, I could not get the iPhone to accord via Bluetooth; iPhones are reportedly difficult to accompany (pun intended), so I won’t advise Ford for that. However,some of the songs on my iPhone weren’t encoded in the able architecture and the Accompany arrangement banned to comedy ANY of the music from iPhone. Apparently there are Microsoft/Apple affinity issues. It’s adverse that these cyberbanking gizmos didn’t assignment anon and could prove to be acutely frustrating.